This Usuki doll does all the annoying things your little brother does. Puts chewing gum in your hair, messes your make up and embarrasses you in front of your friends.
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25th Anniversary 8-bit Agueena Alien Apple Asparagus Aubergine Avocado Baby Banana Biscuit Blue Blueberry Brown Burlap Camouflage Candy Carrot Checkered Chocolate Chokato Christmas Clay Cloud Coconut Custard Darigan Desert Dimensional Disco Durian Elderlyboy Elderlygirl Electric Eventide Faerie Fire Garlic Ghost Glowing Gold Gooseberry Grape Green Grey Halloween Ice Invisible Island Jelly Juppie Swirl Lemon Lime Magma Mallow Maractite Maraquan Marble Mosaic Msp Mutant Oil Paint Onion Orange Origami Pastel Pea Peach Pear Pepper Pineapple Pink Pirate Plum Plushie Polka Dot Potato Purple Quigukiboy Quigukigirl Rainbow Red Relic Robot Royalboy Royalgirl Shadow Silver Sketch Skunk Snot Snow Speckled Split Sponge Spotted Sroom Starry Stealthy Steampunk Strawberry Striped Swamp gas Thornberry Tomato Toy Transparent Tyrannian Ummagine Usuki boy Usuki girl Valentine Water White Woodland Wraith Yellow Zombie
Acara Aisha Blumaroo Bori Bruce Buzz Chia Chomby Cybunny Draik Elephante Eyrie Flotsam Gelert Gnorbu Grarrl Grundo Hissi Ixi Jetsam Jubjub Kacheek Kau Kiko Koi Korbat Kougra Krawk Kyrii Lenny Lupe Lutari Meerca Moehog Mynci Nimmo Ogrin Peophin Poogle Pteri Quiggle Ruki Scorchio Shoyru Skeith Techo Tonu Tuskaninny Uni Usul Vandagyre Varwolf Wocky Xweetok Yurble Zafara
Backpack Belt Biology Effects Body Body Disease Body Drippings Collar Earrings Eyes Feet Transient Biology Glasses Gloves Hair Back Hair Front Hat Head Head Disease Head Drippings Head Transient Biology Hind Biology Hind Cover Hind Disease Hind Drippings Hind Transient Biology Jacket Left-hand Item Lower-body Transient Biology Markings Mouth Necklace Right-hand Item Ruff Shirt/Dress Shoes Trousers Upper-body Transient Biology Wings Wings Transient Biology